A day in the life of...

This really ain't for you...it's for me. It's a peek into my life, as I live the life. I hope you enjoy...

In Reflection...

These are some entries that I wrote while I was in my cabin. As soon at I learn how to post these damn pictures you guys will get a nice visual to see what went down while I was on the cruise. If someone knows how to post pics - get at ya boy!


Today…it’s a good day. How do I feel? I feel good – I feel blessed. I really couldn’t sleep all that well. I went to bed after making sure all my bags were packed. It was about 12 midnight. The remnants of excitement had already set in. I was geeked! So, I went to sleep – only able to sleep 3 hours, I was up and ready to roll. My godmother would be there to pick me up at 5 AM. I kept doing my checks, something I learned from my mother, just so that I wouldn’t forget anything. I kept going over in my mind, “socks – check, underwear – check, this – check, that – check.” Convinced I had everything, I zipped the one piece of luggage and I was ready to roll.

Going on in the news? Well, Tony Blair won a third term in office as the Prime Minister. Officials speculate that’s why someone set off two bombs on the front of the consulate in Manhattan. Remember the Bradley girls, from Chicago? The girls that came up missing 4 years ago and haven’t been found since. I always thought the mother was on something goofy – I still do as a matter of fact, but that’s neither here or there. Well, they found some bones recently on Chicago’s south side. Forensic scientists still have to do their research to determine what the deal is. So, you and I both are awaiting the results. In Ebony this month, there’s an interesting article. Can friends really be lovers? They used the stories from Tichina Arnold, Mo’nique, and Deborah Cox to base the story. It’s really very interesting. I wish they could have shown this from the African American homosexual perspective.

Suffering from the onset of a cold and/or sinus attack, I get in the car. We’re off – within the next hour I’m sitting in terminal B20 eating my turkey and Swiss from Potbelly’s…a definite must have whenever I fly outta Midway – just call it my tradition. Three hours later – and plenty of gagging from here to there, we’ve landed in stuffy ass Ft. Lauderdale and waiting on our coach bus to Miami. Let me tell you: call me Star Jones, cuz I was definitely enjoying the view. Please allow me to take a station break to thank God for his creation of the Black male. There were specimens of all shapes, all colors, all sizes – each beautiful in their on way. Including a pair with their girlfriends who kept “looking” each time they had the opportunity. Even on the bus…and come to find out – they also boarded the same ship as us.

It’s amazing to me that this ship on this water has the ability to carry 4000 people and all the other amenities. This is a definite must-go whenever one can afford it. Note to self: next time, please bring a significant other. I’m extremely vulnerable right now (more on this later). My thoughts keep going back to East Coast and our previous conversations from this week. Regardless of the outcome, I kept dreaming he was holding me while we slept, waking to feel the slight rock of the ship in the water…then we’d be back off to sleep again. There is an early rise for me as my crew and I are doing breakfast at 7:00. Until then…

So…today is Friday. I had to stop and think about that. Somehow, it’s easy to lose track of time. I have an inside stateroom cabin. That means that I don’t have a window. Once all the lights are turned out, you lose all sense of time. With the constant smooth rocking of the vessel, the down comforters, the light breeze effect setting of the thermostat, and the light buzz of flavored vodka and mixed juices…it’s extremely easy to get whisked away in the land of Mr. Sandman. It’s something everyone needs to experience. It’s really a certain form of pleasure that can’t be simulated.

As I lay here typing, we are on our way to Cozumel, Mexico. We are sailing from Key West, Florida. A nice town it was. Funny…but nice. I was wondering, what ever happened to southern hospitality? The natives were nice, just a long as you didn’t ask any questions. I know where the hospitality went…to the chickens. Get a load of this. Now, in Urban America we have pigeons EVERYWHERE! In Key West, they have chickens EVERYWHERE. The chickens just walk around making their chicken sounds as if they didn’t see us wondering why the hell they out and around. You can even catch a glimpse of a load of baby chickens following Mama Chicken around as she takes care of them, making sure they eat as well. I was thinking – that’s some funny shit. But, state law says you can’t kill them either.

That showmanship of the institution of family is something to be envied. Through media, movies, sitcoms, and many other vehicles of communication, it’s deemed that the proper way to live includes a strong “mother-child” bond. I wish that were the case for everyone. I’m assuming the world would be a much better place.

Since I was in Key West, I was able to get a signal on my cell phone. So, after checking my 13 messages (people just don’t listen…I told them I would be gone, but nooo – everyone still wants to think I’m at home) I get a message from my aunt. I call her back an she says that my mother had been looking for me. Now, that’s a rarity. I’ve envisioned the day when some family member will call me and tell me that something’s terribly wrong with my mother.

I return the phone call to my mother. She tells me some indifferent information about a recent waitress that had served my friends and I at a recent outing. As the conversation came to a conclusion, I reminded her about my celebration for relocating. She asked me what day it was, so I told her. Her response, “Oh, I’m not going to be able to make it – that’s the same day as my Pastor’s anniversary and I’m on the committee. I have to be there.” My response, “OK!” Seconds later I terminated the call.

I’ve vowed a long time ago not to let her actions get to the best of me. This time, on my vacation, my attitude remains the same. I’m going to mail her some things and I’ll let her final decision lay upon her. This is possibly the last time she has to see her son and she’s going to be at her store front church with three pews celebrating her Pastor – the man she didn’t give birth to. Hey, it’s her choice. Maybe I should have been a chicken, at least my Mama Hen would have made sure I was okay.


I’m thinking…what should I do next. I just came back from the breakfast buffet and I was able to catch the tail end of Taxi with Queen Latifah. From what I was able to tell, the movie was actually quite interesting. Well, I shouldn’t probably second guess anything that the Oscar-nominated actress is acting in. Note to self: her boyfriend in the movie is really rather attractive.

Speaking of attractive, I’ll tell you what’s not: working on a cruise ship. I never knew some of the things that went on – I couldn’t even fathom, but thanks to Allan, our homosexual top from the Philippines who also acted as our waiter, we learned a lot of things. I never knew that there aren’t any cruise ships registered in the USA. The reason being: the labor laws. It would be very expensive for many cruise lines to keep their ships afloat if they had to obey the laws of non-exempt regulations. Even the balance of work & play laws would be too much. We found out that many of the cruise employees work a minimum of 10 hours a day and work all 7 days. They sleep in a room with two bunks that look like Alcatraz. The average pay of a waiter is about $1000 US dollars a month. That’s equivalent to about 12K a year. But when you consider the power of the almighty dollar, that can easily be about 30K in other parts of the world. Now, that’s amazing.

So yesterday we braved the humid, stank ass heat of the Isle de Cozumel to do some shopping and have an opportunity to sample Mexican cuisine at its best. Let me first say, I’m almost upset I don’t drink. The alcohol prices are close to nothing – 4 bottles of flavored absolute for $17. I’m thinking about taking up the hobby. The colognes and perfumes were also slightly below average, but not too much to take advantage of the prices. And all the shops – they were duty and tax free – which meant that what you see, is what you pay. Pretty interesting.

So, we hop of the vessel and make our way throughout the port – which is designed to make you spend money BEFORE you even get into Cozumel. We take a $14 taxi into al centro (downtown) and it’s all up hill from there. I’m thankful that my 8 years of Spanish is safely tucked under my belt – because not a bitch spoke English. Their attitude, “we don’t have to – you’re in our country mothafucka!!!” And you could tell…

It was interesting. I was the only one in my group that spoke the language “fluentamente.” What was even more funnier was the fact that as soon as we docked, my gay ass friend started talking in this horrible Puerto Rican accent. It was hilarious – and wouldn’t stop the ENTIRE time we were in Mexico. We did some shopping – the fact that I was able to speak Spanish helped cuz I was able to dwindle the prices down some on some jewelry (veinte dos y no menos)…they were flipped out and went with the price – but only for “cash money.” Apparently they didn’t want pesos – but they preferred the almighty dollar. Even more funny was the fact that my paranoid ass didn’t even carry cash. So, I had to go to the cajero automatico (ATM) and I pushed 20 dollars…the machine gave me 200.00 pesos. Again, HILARIOUS. I was flipped out. So, I had to learn the trade amount FAST, so they wouldn’t try to jip me outta my money, or should I say my pesos.

We ended up at a really nice Mexican restaurant that offered us free margaritas with our lunch – so we ate. The live band was singing R&B songs from the states…only to their music and their beats. They completed fucked up Usher’s “You Got it Bad.” We ordered, and guess what – the waiter spoke NO ENGLISH. I was falling out as my friends tried to place their order, eventually I took over and placed everyone’s order.

After more shopping in what seemed like Chicago’s Jew Town or the infamous “Madison & Pulaski” section of Mexico, we ended up back at the vessel. Just in time for dinner which included prime rib & lobster tails. After we were done, we all retreated to our rooms. I think it was about 11 PM at this time, the next thing I knew was 9 AM when I received our call for breakfast in 30 minutes…

All I’ve been doing is sleeping…sleeping in the day, sleeping in the afternoon, and even sleeping in the night. Like now…I’m yawning – good night!
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Two cents left by: Blogger ClayStarr 12:14 PM

I hope you continue to have a pleasant time. Keep us posted!    

Two cents left by: Anonymous Anonymous 1:06 PM

Yea - keep us posted...we want details...juicy details - lol.    

Two cents left by: Blogger the young people's professor 1:51 AM

yes, we need more intricate details playa!    

Two cents left by: Blogger N4R 1:41 PM

"Call me Star Jones, cuz I was definitely enjoying the view." Now that was too funny. I will have to use that.

Hey man thanks for hitting up my blog, I love all the support I am getting from everyone. Y’all sure know how to welcome a chap.

LOL @ ATM issuing pesos. They got you.

"Maybe I should have been a chicken, at least my Mama Hen would have made sure I was okay." Yo man, that whole bit on your moms SO hit my heart, you couldn’t believe. See now I have to control myself, a certain someone told me I have my own blog now, and there is no need for me to be leaving long comments. I will tell you this man, I feel you so much. Been there, trust that!!! Since I can’t go on a rant about my mother check out my blog tomorrow, you have inspired me. But I will leave you with this…

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