A day in the life of...

This really ain't for you...it's for me. It's a peek into my life, as I live the life. I hope you enjoy...

God knows my heart...

Ain't that a trip - that is the biggest cop out ever. You know you did something wrong, but instead of admitting you screwed up we say, "God knows my heart!."

Anyway, since moving to this part of the country, I've been speaking w/my people back at home more and more frequently. Just about every conversation always entails a bunch of questions. So, I'm going to steal this from the "Evolver" himself!

Take a moment, go ahead ask me any three questions you want. I know it's stealing, but hell "God knows my heart!"

Oh yea, let's put this in fine print; if I only get 2 responses I will erase this post with the quickness and act like it never happened.

Till we meet again,
The ChurchBoy
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Two cents left by: Anonymous Anonymous 10:56 AM

Ohh ohh my turn my turn!

1. Why didn't you tell me you were gay? Why'd I have to find out this way?

2. Why were you leading me on taking me to poetry and out to eat?

3. Why didn't you tell me you were gay? (I just can't get over this)

I still have nothing but love for your fine ass - and to think, you were this close to being my husband.

-You know who!    

Two cents left by: Anonymous Anonymous 11:18 AM

1. How difficult was it to leave behind your family at your church in Chicago?

2. Where do you see yourself in five years? (Lame, I know)

3. What event in your life has tested your faith the most?    

Two cents left by: Blogger Ladynay 11:21 AM

This is a growing trend I see....

How do you handle the sermon about sexuality?

What's your opinion of the Catholic church and their issues with the leaders messing with kids?

Ummmmmmm, after reading anonymous #1's questions, are you in the closet? Forgive me if you have already addressed this in a previous blog. I have only read back a few.    

Two cents left by: Blogger Tim 1:31 PM

OK here we go...

1. When are you coming back to Chicago to hang with me?

2. When you gonna hit me back up? Been waiting on 10 minutes to go by for almost a week now...LOL

3. How did you know that being a pastor was your "calling"? This I must know!    

Two cents left by: Anonymous Anonymous 11:08 AM

1. Can you really cook like you say you can?

2. Describe your best sexual experience.

3. Tell us, what's the perfect guy for you like?    

Two cents left by: Anonymous Anonymous 6:08 AM

What is the ultimate purpose you feel that should achieve in life?

What area do you struggle with concerning family and friendships?

I guess that some already questioned sexuality, how will this be dealt with years from now?

With a sincere heart, what do you wish for all people to have and cherish?

What are you willing to give up to meet your goal you wish to achieve in life?    

Two cents left by: Blogger N4R 2:14 PM

Good luck with this man. I see it is a challenge for me but I am getting through.

Here are my questions, nothing too serious. Really easy to answer.

1) What is the nastiest sexual thing you will and/or have done?

2) What makes you - YOU?

3) What is the one thing about you that leaves a lasting impression on everyone you encounter?    

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