A day in the life of...

This really ain't for you...it's for me. It's a peek into my life, as I live the life. I hope you enjoy...

Yall Some Funny Muh Fuckas!!!

Here goes nothing...
From Anonymous:
1. Why didn't I tell you I was gay? Why'd you have to find out this way?
Well, it's not really anything you go around shouting. I didn't tell you because it really wasn't the right time. I'm not sure there will ever be a right time, but some things you just leave undiscussed. I'm still trippin on how you got a hold of my blog - I think I have an idea though and if it has anything to do with a W-4 form, a ten key adding machine, and a little company in Elk Grove...then I know EXACTLY how you found out.
2. Why were you leading me on, taking me to poetry, and out to eat?
Girl, we were having fun..weren't we? I didn't know I was leading you on. How many STRAIGHT dudes do you talk to your STRAIGHT guy friend about? NONE!!! Only homos will give you advice on your relationship, tell you what colors look good together, and visit churches with you. I was going out to eat with you because we were hungry, right? Besides, you like to eat - I like to eat - so then, hell, that's what we did...we ate.
3. Why didn't you tell me you were gay? (I just can't get over this)
Well, like I said - some things you just don't reveal. Besides, I was kicking it with you to get with your brother...which by the way knows how to show another man a really good time! That tongue of his works wonders...
From The Church Girl
1. How do you balance your sexuality and your profession/calling as a pastor?
I don't think it's as difficult as people think. It's just like asking someone who's straight, "excuse me sir or ma'am, but how do you handle your sexuality and your profession?" I'm sure they'd look at you like, "What the fuck are you talking about?" Think about yourself for instance, when you go to work, how often do you think about sex? Naturally, I'm sure a few times or you may get naturally aroused during the day...but I'm sure you don't have premeditated intenions that are drenched in sexual desires, do you? Well, it's the same for me - it's just that you like men, and I'd do two...at a time!
2. Is it difficult for you to go to the barber shop?
If you're referring to our recent telephone conversation...HELL YEA! You get crowded in a tiny space with that many good looking men and you tell me what happens.. I don't think I've ever seen an ugly barber...
3. I think my man is dipping on the other side, how can I be sure?
What am I now, Mother Love? Well, there's a tell tale sign you can be sure of if your man is dipping. I just have to ask you one question, "Do you really think your man is dipping on the other side?" Well, if you said yes, then that's your sign...remember, once you go dick and ass, well....you figure out the rest.
From Lateef (We still need to write that book together, we'd make a killing)
1. How difficult was it to leave behind your family at your church in Chicago?
Well, I really didn't have much family in Chicago, so it wasn't too difficult. Besides I was offered a compensation package one couldn't refuse. But leaving my church was really difficult. But, it was necessary. I was way too comfortable at my church back home. I had been there my entire life. Not only that, but I was also in leadership and had a great deal of power. With that much going for me, there really wasn't too much of a need to depend on God...so He kinda needed to change my scenario a bit to make sure I kept him priority.
2. Where do you see yourself in five years?
I haven't the slightest idea. I haven't though past next week, let alone 5 years. But married (to a guy of course), adpoted a baby or two, and doing the damn thang career wise. In 5 years, I'll be a knocking 30, so having built a firm foundation not just for myself (which is just about done), but one w/my partner would be imporatant too.
3. What event in your life has tested your faith the most?
Damn...that's a good question. I would probably say moving here. It happened in less than 2 months - the entire process, from start to finish. That's a really quick time. I dont' think I had really sat down to think everything through. By the time I sat down, I had just unpacked my last box and I looked up and realized that I was in a new place, all alone, and I knew NO ONE. It was scary, but again, sometimes God does those types of things...He'll get the best out of us if it's the last thing we do...and for some people, it is the last thing they do.
From Ladynay - Hey girl, it's nice to meet you - I have no idea who you are, but thanks for stopping by to visit...comment more frequently so I know who you are.
1. How do you handle the sermon about sexuality?
I don't - I pull out my cell phone and start playing Tetris. My goal is to always beat my previous score. And since I'm a little over 50,000 points - it take about a good 30 minutes or so to get there...just enough time for the gay preacher who's preaching about sexuality (probably one I slept with) to be on his last few points of the day. Then I just meet him after church and fuck him...
2. What's your opinion of the Catholic church and their issues with the leaders messing with kids?
Hmmm, the Altar boys altering the boys? It's sick - you know it is. But (and not defending their actions in any way, shape, form or fashion), but they're still people and just cuz they fucked up doesn't mean we need to just look down on them like their nobodies. They need help and I think it's our responsibility to do what we can. But, it was a whole lotta them damn preists fucking altar boys, wasn't it? DAMN!!! Anyway, back to my point - the Bible declares that we're made out of dust - that's worse than dirt. So for one piece of dust to think they're better than the other piece of dust makes absolutely no sense what so ever!
3. Ummmmmmm, after reading anonymous #1's questions, are you in the closet?
Um, let's just say I'm standing in the closet with the door slighly ajar...
From Timothy
1. When are you coming back to Chicago to hang with me?
I'll probably come home some time in August - so we can hang then. But, when are you coming here...not DC, to hang w/me?
2. When you gonna hit me back up? Been waiting on 10 minutes to go by for almost a week now...LOL
Funny, funny, funny...I think I called you back and left you a voice mail, didn't I? I'm not sure I can't remember...You do have my number, don't you?
3. How did you know that being a pastor was your "calling"? This I must know!
Hell, I'm still trying to figure this on out. I honestly have no idea how this came about. I really happened by accident. I know I have been called to leadership - I was shaped for it - that's no question. The literal meaning ofthe word "pastor" means someone who leads or directs. That's what a pastor is, but our culture has taught us (even me until a short while ago) that a pastor has to be somoene who is ordained, who can preach, and who can hoop and holla. That's not the case - so because I am so adimant about my mission and what God wants me to do and because of that, I honestly don't even look at the title. The title is just a bi-product of what I'm all about.
Part 2 will come tomorrow...I'm Here has asked a few key questions and I must take a deep breath before I continue to answer his questions...I still have love for you, but boy - you know you're a handful!
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Two cents left by: Blogger Ladynay 4:49 AM

Hey! I am just a nosey blog hopper who woke up one day and found her favorites folder full of young black gay bloggers! I can't even tell you whose site I found you on!LOL

I don't even have a response in words to some of your answers, all I can do is shake my head...lol    

Two cents left by: Anonymous Anonymous 5:52 AM

Trust me, I'll be waiting to read your responses.    

Two cents left by: Blogger Tim 6:49 AM

Now ChurchBoy, let me go there with you...lol

As far as coming up there, as soon as I get a personal invite from you AND money is right (I'm being laid off, remember???) then I'll be there.

Yes I have your number...and I promise to keep in better contact with you. I just hate calling you while you're working because I know you're like the Energizer Bunny...you keep going...and going...and going....    

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