A day in the life of...

This really ain't for you...it's for me. It's a peek into my life, as I live the life. I hope you enjoy...

The Saga Continues...

From Anonymous - Hey to you too...but, I have no idea who are you. It looks like you're a frequent reader though from your comments.

1. Can you really cook like you say you can?
Yup - you bet your bottom dollar. I can actually cook better than my own mother. Isn't that something? I cook for guys, but not until I know you're going to last. Cooking is like the height and depth of my communication to a guy - anytime I slave over a hot stove for a man, I loves he! Only 3 guys in the past (well maybe a few more) have had that pleasure.

2. Describe your best sexual experience.
This really isn't a question - but I'll answer it. It involved a certain guy from Jamaica. In all seriousness, the boy has a 13 inch dick - but what's so wonderful is that he likes for me to fuck him. That's kinda wierd too - but hell, I don't ask no questions. He's really passionate and sensitive and he makes sure you're definitely pleased. He really turns on this whole masculinty ordeal where he grabbed me from behind while I was cooking (he was and still is one of them boyz that I loves). As I was cooking he started to kiss the back of my neck and I felt his hard dick pressing up against my back end. It's nice to have a guy just as tall as you - so that felt good, not odd, but really secure. I put the smothered chicken on simmer cuz I knew what was about to go on. As he was kissing the back of my neck, and he heard my moans, that fueled him even more. Before I knew it I turned around and we were engaged in a magical kiss that had us both seeing sparks. If I'm sexing you and I care for you, you won't get the best of me, so I had to make him feel it too. I found a few of his spots and heard him moaning as well - I got him to that point.

That point where it was time for more. I remember quite vividly we ended up on the floor in the kitchen. I pulled down his jogging pants and went to work on everything below his waist and above his knees. Now 13 inches is a bit too much, I'm good, but I'm no pro - so I handled what I could. It was enough that I felt the shaft of his dick pulsating and I knew what was about to happen. I stopped immediately. I knew how to finish off dessert before dinner and that was by tasting him...all of him. At 6'3" his legs are extremely long, but looked beautiful in the air as I poked and prodded his ass until he begged me to get inside of him. I grabbed a condom and a lube which is ALWAYS strategically placed, you will NEVER catch a bitch off guard. The next 5 minutes (hey, I tried to go longer, but hell - that foreplay wore me out - remember, I'm no professional, but I'm good enough. Besides, I HATE guys who take more than 15 minutes to bust a nut - like Bernie Mac said, it's a race to the finish line, you better get your before I get mines) were nothing but pure ecstacy that had us both dripping in sweat. After that ordeal we lay on the floor, curled up, enjoying the best conversation we'd ever had...and no one had spoke a word. Hmmm, I still love him.

3. Tell us, what's the perfect guy for you like?
Despite popular belief, I'm not that superficial. On the physical I prefer a non-smoker who has great dental hygeine. I LOVE to kiss, and well, keep that tight. Also, make sure your physical hygeine is in tact too. Why, you ask? Well, because I like putting my mouth places where it probably shouldn't go, so I don't want to taste nothing I probably shouldn't be tasting. Other than that, have some type of physical shape, and please - be masculine. You don't have to be DL, but I'm attractive enough to get a female...if I wanted one, I'd be with her.

It becomes a bit more difficult on the mental level. AT this point in my life I am really looking for husband material. I’m not getting any younger and my biological clock is ticking – lol. I appreciate someone who can communicate effectively. It’d also be nice to have someone who understands that it’s not about what I can do for them, or what they can do for me, but it’s really about what we can do for each other on various levels. Someone who just doesn’t have goals, dreams, or ambitions, but I appreciate someone who’s actively achieving those same goals, dreams, and ambitions. I’d also appreciate someone who understands certain principles like reciprocity, self-sufficiency, and being independent. That’d help a lot. I guess that’s really about all I ask for. I can pretty much deal with everything else. It’s just that at my age – finding someone my age – that’s on that same platform, well, it’s a little hard to find.

PS, someone that desires to pray together before going to sleep at night is really sexy to me...

From I’m Here – Boy, you know you are DEFINITELY a hand full. I can’t even remember how our relationship started. I think it was through Yahoo in what, 1998 or so? Well, you knows I loves you – and well, here goes nothing.

1. What is the ultimate purpose you feel that should achieve in life?
My ultimate purpose in life that I feel I should achieve is based on two instructions that Jesus taught about. They are the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. I feel that I should be willing to always please God in all that I do, attempt to live in harmony with other believers, tell others about Christ, use what I have to benefit others, and try to become like Jesus was in the way I think, act, and feel.

2. What area do you struggle with concerning family and friendships?

Whew…good question. I think the area I struggle with the most is learning how to let relationships go. When I refer to relationships, I mean both family and friendships. I’m a firm believer that people are like the steps on a ladder, it’s sad to say, but they’re just there until you move (either up or down) to another step of the ladder. Some stick with you as you start off – some eventually drop off as you move up – some come back around as you move down – some don’t show up until you get to the top – and low and behold if you move down, the ones that met you at the top are sure to remember you no more. My only point is that I struggle with letting people be there for their time (as mentioned in Ecclesiastes) and then letting them go.

3. I guess that some already questioned sexuality, how will this be dealt with years from now?
Years from now…hmmm, that’s good too. I don’t even know how it’s dealt with now. I guess I’m really taking it step by step. I don’t think ones sexual preference either prohibits or encourages them to reach a certain level or remain where they are. I just don’t think sexual preference plays that much a part into where we take our lives. I think it’s moreso how WE react to certain things that ultimately determines what we do and how we get there. So, it’s [my sexual preference] not an issue now, I don’t forsee it being an issue in the future.

4. With a sincere heart, what do you wish for all people to have and cherish?
You should have guessed this one. I sincerely wish for all people to have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

5. What are you willing to give up to meet your goal you wish to achieve in life?
Myself! I constantly give up myself every day. Some days it’s easier than others – but yea, I give up myself.

From No4Real4Real – Hey Boo Boo – I miss chatting w/you. You have to log onto Yahoo more…
1. What is the nastiest sexual thing you will and/or have done?

I don’t do nasty sexual things. I’m a church boy, I’m a quiet, shy, and timid human being! We don’t do nasty sexual things. WE have sex in the missionary position only. They actually named that position after us.

2. What makes you – YOU?
My ability to overcome. Let me tell you, if I were granted money every time I overcame an obstacle, I’d be a rich bitch. Every day man, it’s a struggle. I’m constantly faced with opposition. Not that I’m asking for a pity party, but living my life is difficult. If I didn’t have God, I’d be chopped liver. Anyway, I get his unexplainable power to make it through shit EVERYTIME. The result is an improvement in character development. That’s what makes me, me!

3. What is the one thing about you that leaves a lasting impression on everyone you encounter?
Honestly? It’s my infectious positive attitude. I’m a goof ball – a kid at heart and in action. If you come in contact w/me, I WILL have you laughing…that’s just who I am and how I am. People love being around me because they love laughing with me.

From my Baby’s Daddy – SmilingDL
1. If you found a life-time lover how will you explain it to your congregation?
Are you crazy? I wouldn’t tell it to my congregation. There are some things some people just don’t need to know. This, my dear, is one of them.

2. Since moving to the east coast, what has been your best experience thus far?
Damn – my best experience is definitely the view. I’ve seen and met so many interesting guys that are just plain attractive. That’s a good thing – the male species, that’s a good thing.

3. Besides God, who else has been a source of inspiration in your life?
Honestly, my mother has. She was and still is shit to me. Knowing that I’d want to be a better parent to my children, I’d want to tell them I love them more than 3 times in their ENTIRE childhood, I’d want to show them I care, I don’t want to be what my mother was to me. Knowing that I was dealt a bad hand and having to deal with it, that situation has really inspired me NEVER to get into such a mentality where I treat my kids the way she treated me.

Grae – You’re funny! I’m not answering these damn questions. Start updating your blog more than once a month!
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Two cents left by: Blogger lj 6:50 AM

I guess it's true ..those Churchboys ARE the biggest freaks:)    

Two cents left by: Blogger Avowed_Southern_Democrat 7:12 AM

Maybe I need to go to church more often if I might meet up with some "Christians" like the Churchboy. What denomination or are you a free agent? Shem hotep.    

Two cents left by: Blogger Avowed_Southern_Democrat 7:14 AM

BTW, 13 INCHES!!! I would be a dead man walking, LMAO ;-)Dammmmmmn.    

Two cents left by: Blogger The Church Boy 7:43 AM

Free agent - lol? That's hilarious! I actually am a free agent...looking to be booked!    

Two cents left by: Blogger Tim 8:05 AM

"A free agent..looing to be booked"....I could take that statement in so many ways churchboy LOL    

Two cents left by: Blogger The Church Boy 8:06 AM

You're right...you could - that's why I said it. I'm like Jesus, I talk in parables...    

Two cents left by: Blogger N4R 8:41 PM

My bad I don’t get on yahoo as often as I used to, my job shut me down. If I didn’t have my blog I wouldn’t know what I would do.

You be cooking for them boys. I know that is right. In order for me to me to cook him a good dinner he would have to put it on me. But if I wake up with him I would make breakfast. Doesn’t take much effort and some shit he will never forget. I kicked it with this cat like five years ago and made him breakfast. I was recently introduced to his best friend, he was like you the one who cooked that bomb ass breakfast. Now if the best friend brought that up, how did the friend feel?

”Enjoying the best conversation we'd ever had...and no one had spoke a word” that was hot line. I need to use that, don’t be surprised if you see it on the blog. But I might give you credit. 13 inches that is what I am talking about. That is nice!!! 11 in is the most I have ever handled but like you I am a high achiever.

You really only have sex in missonary position? That is so whack. Hey to each his own. If you like it – I love it!

Thanks for answerign my questions. I would be so honored to laugh with you. Yo it is strange we answered many of our similar questions a like. That is whats up. I just don’t have a halo over me like you.

You know my feeling on your mother so I will leave it at that. I know what you mean. My mother is my role model as well. Many time we look for positive role models. My mother is not such. She is THE negative role model in my life. Much of my drive is ensuring I am everything she is not. So I know how you feel. I know I said I will leave it at that but I can’t - That is STILL your mother!    

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